New Year gift to Fedora users: yet another performance update, this time to EGit and JGit, has been just submitted.
It contains a new upstream release 2.2.0 with an impressive number of new features and enhancement, among which the most important (for me) is incremental reindexing of repository.
Actually this update and last Eclipse update reduced the heap usage almost by half, and Eclipse is much more responsive now. Check it out!
sudo yum --enablerepo="updates-testing" update eclipse eclipse-egit eclipse-jgit
The entire list of EGit/JGit is here and here.
Happy New Year Hacking!
I'm not sure if it should be necessary or not, but I had to run
ReplyDelete$ eclipse -clean
after this update, or else I got Eclipse without egit, jgit, and many other plugins.
Thanks for feedback. I have no idea why -clean was required :-(